
日時: 2011-10-11 16:00 - 17:00
場所: Room 345 Building No.4
会議名: Neutrino diffraction: theory and implications
連絡先: Yasuhiro Okada (yasuhiro.okadakek.jp)
講演者: 石川健三  (北海道大学)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://seminar.kek.jp/physics/index.html
アブストラクト: I report our recent work on neutrino diffraction whichwas found in position-dependent probability of the neutrino in pion decay. Its origin is analyzed and connections with unique properties of neutrino such as weak interaction with matter, realization as nonstationary states, Lorentz invariance, and tiny mass are clarified. Fromthese properties, diffraction pattern becomes macroscopic size of order 20-1000m, even though its de Broglie wave length is 10−15m or less, and stable under the change of pion’s energy and other parameters. Consequently, the neutrino diffraction gives observable effects. It modifies the neutrino flux in a manner that depends upon absolute neutrino mass. Various puzzling phenomena such as LSND and energy dependent total cross sections become understandable. Possible implications to T2K experiment will be presented also.
