
日時: 2003-02-21 16:00 - 17:00
場所: 4号館345号室
会議名: Spin Correlations of Proton Pairs as Tests of Bell\'s and Wigner Inequalities
連絡先: Akiya Miyamoto
講演者: C. Rangacharyulu  (Univ. Of Saskatchewan, Canada)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://seminar.kek.jp/physics/
アブストラクト: The on-going debate concerns the question if the physical reality description in quantum mechanics is complete. We initiated a program to study this problem in two proton system. Our first experiments were carried out at the KVI cyclotron. We produced the singlet proton pairs by (d,2He) reaction on carbon targets. We analyzed the polarization correlations and compared the results against Bell\'s inequalities, Wigner inequality and quantum mechanics. This talk will present the motivation for the experiment, summarize the results to date and future prospects.
