
日時: 2003-12-17 13:30 - 14:30
場所: 3号館4階425号室
会議名: 物理セミナー「KIMS : Dark matter search experiment in Korea」[英語]
連絡先: 物理セミナー係
講演者: Sun Kee Kim  (Seoul National Univ.)
講演言語: 英語
URL: http://seminar.kek.jp/physics/
アブストラクト: KIMS is an experiment searching for dark matter at an underground laboratory in Korea using CsI(Tl) crystal. We recently established an undergound laboratory at Yangyang and constructed low background shield. Also an extensive development of low background CsI(Tl) crystal has been carried out. The status and prospect of the KIMS experiment will be presented.
