
日時: 2005-07-19 11:00 -
場所: 研究本館2階220号室
会議名: Moduli space of classical solutions in string field theory
連絡先: 丹後
講演者: 瀬々 将吏 氏  (京都大学基礎物理学研究所 )
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: I give a review on recent development of analytic classical solutions of the cubic string field theory (CSFT). Because of the gauge invariance of CSFT, the moduli space of the solutions has a rich structure. Nontrivial solutions are candidate for the closed string vacuum which is expected for the tachyon condensation in unstable D-brane dynamics. Evidences for this conjecture are given in several ways --- analysis of cohomology, level truncation and gauge invariance.
