
日時: 2005-11-29 14:30 -
場所: 研究本館3階321号室
会議名: QCD Phenomena at the Amplitude Level and the AdS/CFT Correspondence
連絡先: 丹後
講演者: Prof. Stanley J. Brodsky  (SLAC)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: String/gauge theory duality, assuming a truncated AdS/CFT space, gives a remarkable description of the light-quark hadron spectrum of QCD, as well as predicting the form of light-front Fock-state hadronic wavefunctions at short distances. The resulting light-front Fock-state wavefunctions provide a frame-independent representation of hadrons at the amplitude level in terms of their fundamental quark and gluon degrees of freedom. Given the LFWFs, one can compute form factors, heavy-hadron decay amplitudes, hadron distribution amplitudes, and the generalized parton distributions underlying deeply virtual Compton scattering. The AdS/CFT correspondence thus has important implications for hadron phenomenology in the conformal limit, including an all-orders derivation of counting rules for exclusive processes.
