
日時: 2009-04-14 11:00 - 12:00
場所: 研究本館2階220室
会議名: Neutrino Probes of Supernovae
連絡先: 石橋、isibasi at post.kek.jp
講演者: 堀内 俊作氏  (IPMU, 東京大学 )
アブストラクト: Taking part in only the weak interaction, the neutrino is a unique messenger  for probing regions inaccessible by other means such as photons. A prime  example is the study of the inner workings of supernova explosions.  Recently, our understanding of the rate of supernovae has dramatically  improved, and it is timely to address the detection possibilities of thermal  neutrinos from supernovae -- I will first review supernova neutrinos then  focus on the cumulative neutrino emission from all past supernovae (the so-called diffuse supernova neutrino background). Then in the second half, I will introduce more rare but significant non-thermal neutrinos from nearby supernovae, and discuss what we can learn from their detections.
