
日時: 2009-12-14 10:30 - 11:30
場所: 4号館345室
会議名: Open string engineering of D-brane geometry: toward three-loop check
連絡先: 百武、hyaku AT post.kek.jp
講演者: Professor Inyong Park  (Philander Smith College)
講演言語: 英語
アブストラクト: In arXiv:0801.0218 [hep-th] it was conjectured that quantum effects of open strings moving on D-branes generate the D-brane geometry through a counter-vertex operator. The conjecture was checked at one-loop in arXiv:0806.3330 [hep-th]. The two-loop extension has been made in arXiv:0902.1279 [hep-th]. With the development of the pure spinor formulation, the three-loop analysis seems within reach. We discuss aspects of the three-loop analysis.
