Accelerator Physics Seminar

DATE: 2005-12-08 13:30 - 15:00
PLACE: Building 2, No.203
TITLE: Accelerator Physics Seminar [ Bunched Beam Envelope Simulation with Space Charge within the SAD Environment ]
SPEAKER: Dr. Christopher K. Allen  (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
ABSTRACT: The capability for simulating the envelopes of three-dimensional (bunched) beams has been implemented in the SAD accelerator modeling environment. The simulation technique itself is similar to that of other common envelope codes, such as Trace3D, TRANSPORT, and the XAL online model. Specifically, we follow the second-order statistics of the beam distribution rather than tracking individual particles. If we assume that the beam maintains ellipsoidal symmetry in phase space, we can include the first order effects due to space charge using a semi-analytic model. This is the attractive characteristic of envelope codes, since it greatly reduces computational time. This new feature of SAD is implemented primarily in the SADScript interpreted language, with only a small portion appearing as compiled code. As such, the simulation does run slower than other compiled envelope codes such as TRACE3D or XAL, however, as interpreted code it does have the benefit of being easily modified. We demonstrate use of the new feature and present example simulations of the J-PARC linear accelerator section.
