Accelerator Physics Seminar

DATE: 2008-03-28 13:30 - 15:00
PLACE: Meeting room in KEKB control building
TITLE: Commissioning Progress of BEPCII.
CONTACT: Kazuhito Ohmi
SPEAKER: XU Gang  (IHEP, Beijing, China)
ABSTRACT: The BEPCII commissioning started in November of 2006. After two phases commissioning, the current of both beam for colliding mode have been above 500mA, and the luminosity is above 10^32. The machine has been opened to the synchrotron radiation users. The beam cuurent for the synchrotron radiation mode has get the design goal 250mA, the topoff injection mode has been realized. In this talk, the brief introduction about the commissioning process and results will be shown. The third phase goal will be presented also.
