Physics Seminar

DATE: 2007-06-07 14:00 - 16:00
PLACE: 1st meeting room, JASRC-bldg., Tokai, JAEA
TITLE: 5th TRIAC seminar,
ABSTRACT: Activity on RNB has started al LNL with the full commissioning of a line for the production in flight of RNB. At present we have produced 17F with a record intensity of 3 to 4 : 10^6 Hz, and 8B with 3*10^3Hz, this last in a test run. We expect for 8B around 10^4 hz. The first experiment was the elastic scattering and BU of 17F by 208Pb below the barrier. Both reaction cross sections and exclusive BU are small. This is at difference with n-weakly bound nuclei like 11Be investigated together with the Japanese collaboration (KEK,RIKEN) at RIPS-RIKEN. A new project is a planing phase at LNL for RNB called SPES. It is based onto 0.1 mA , 40 MeV proton beam and a THIN target approach. The expectations are quite promissing from the simulations and first tests at ORNL (USA). By this year Italian INFN is expected to take an operationg decision since a good amount of funding is at disposition.
