Physics Seminar

DATE: 2009-12-24 13:30 - 14:30
PLACE: Room 325, Building 3
TITLE: LUX: A Liquid Xenon Dark Matter Detector
CONTACT: Isamu Nakamura (4746)
SPEAKER: Masahiro Morii  (Harvard University)
ABSTRACT: The existence of the cosmic Dark Matter, which represents ~85% of the mass of the Universe, has been well established through astronomical observations. The identity of the Dark Matter, however, remains unknown. Progresses in the direct detection of Dark Matter offer a large window of potential discovery in the next few years. In this talk I will describe the LUX Experiment, which uses 350 kg of liquid Xenon as the active target material. The expected sensitivity of the LUX experiment improves over the current limit by two orders of magnitude. The detector is being prepared for installation in the Sanford Underground Laboratory at Homestake, South Dakota.
