Physics Seminar

DATE: 2010-06-18 10:30 - 11:30
PLACE: Room 244, Building 4
TITLE: Storage ring EDM experiments: Probing the proton and deuteron nuclei at the 10^-29 e-cm level
SPEAKER: Dr. Yannis K. Semertzidis  (BNL)
ABSTRACT: The storage ring EDM method provides a new opportunity to expand the sensitivity level of probing the electric dipole moments of several light nuclei, e.g. proton, deuteron, etc. to ~10^-29 e-cm. At this level it will be an order of magnitude better than the sensitivity level of the best planned neutron EDM experiment. If successful, the storage ring EDM experiments are probing SUSY-like new physics at the 300 TeV range and if new physics exists at the LHC scale they probe CP-violating phases at the micro-rad range, an unprecedented sensitivity level.
