DATE: 2014-07-01 16:00 - 17:00
PLACE: Tokai¡¡£±st¡¡Building Room 116
TITLE: ¡ÈRecent results from Double Chooz reactor-neutrino experiment¡É
CONTACT: Satoshi Mihara,£óatoshi.mihara¡Ý
SPEAKER: Dr. Tsunayuki Matsubara  (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
ABSTRACT: I present new results from Double Chooz experiment.
Double Chooz aims to measure the neutrino mixing angle theta 13 based on electron-antineutrino disappearance and its energy distortion from nuclear reactors as a consequence of neutrino oscillation. Physics data taking has been continuing since April 2011. We have updated our results with more than doubled statistics and improved analysis in May 2014.
I also would like to introduce other physics programs and future projects of our experiment.
