DATE: 2014-08-08 13:30 - 14:30
PLACE: TokaiĦĦ£ħstĦĦBuilding Room 116
TITLE: Reality of diquarks between nuclear and quark matter
CONTACT: Shunzo Kumano,shunzo.kumanoĦŬ
SPEAKER: Dr. Kenji Fukushima  (University of Tokyo)
ABSTRACT: It was speculated many years ago that nuclear matter should turn to quark matter at high enough density, but this picture has been revisited in various contexts recently and eventually many people has realized that the theoretical characterization of quark matter cannot avoid serious ambiguity. Then, one clue to understand the transition from nuclear matter to quark matter comes from the role played by diquarks, and this also suggests some reality of diquarks even in the vicinity of nuclear matter. The talk will include historical backgrounds on the idea of diquarks with emphasis on theoretical necessity.
