Theory Seminar

DATE: 2005-04-12 11:00 -
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM220
TITLE: 1/4 BPS solitons in the Higgs phase
CONTACT: tango
SPEAKER: Dr. Minoru Eto  (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
LANGUAGE: Japanese
ABSTRACT: There are many kinds of topological solitons in the super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory coupled with fundamental hypermultiplets. We study 1/4 BPS composite states of solitons (instantons, monopoles, vortices and domain walls) in the Higgs phase of SYM. We clarify the moduli space of such composite solitons. Moreover we exactly solve the 1/4 BPS equations of domain walls and their webs at the strong gauge coupling limit of SYM. We find interesting structure of domain wall webs similar with (p,q)-string webs or 5-brane webs in the IIB superstring theory.
