Theory Seminar

DATE: 2005-07-05 11:00 -
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM220
TITLE: Algebraic classification of M-theory orbifolds
CONTACT: tango
SPEAKER: Dr. Maxime Bagnoud  (Kyoto Univ.)
ABSTRACT: In this talk, a new method of treating orbifolds by expressing the orbifold action on the physical fields of the theory in a purely algebraic manner will be presented. Doing so, a description of the untwisted sector as an invariant subalgebra of the U-duality symmetry algebra of M-theory can be obtained, as well as a description of charged states as a nilpotent subalgebra of an Iwasawa decomposition related to a certain Satake diagram of the U-duality symmetry algebra. A description of the twisted sector as an invariant subalgebra under some algebra automorphism can also be given. A few simple examples will be treated in detail, as well as results for more physically realistic cases.
