Theory Seminar

DATE: 2005-07-12 11:00 -
PLACE: Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220
TITLE: Interaction of two separated spherical D2 branes
SPEAKER: Dr. Hiroyuki Takata  (Tomsk Univ. of Education)
LANGUAGE: Japanese
ABSTRACT: We calculate interaction between two separated spherical D2 branes in bosonic string theory (SU(2)WZW model). Geometrical configuration is following. Target space is three sphere and D2 branes are 2-spheres which do not have to be co-centric. Three arbitrary parameters are introduced; radius ofˇˇsphere andŽĘ distance between centers of spheres. We explain how to defineŽĘ boundary condition and boundary state depending on these parameters. Then we calculate partition function as a overlap of boundary state. In order to check calculation we reproduce partition function of 0-branes in flat three dimensional space. This calculation probably corresponds that of two fuzzy sphere configuration in a matrix model with an additional term though, it is not yet done however.
