Theory Seminar

DATE: 2005-11-11 14:00 -
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan Rm. 321
TITLE: Chromomagnetic Instability and Gluonic Phase in two-flavor dense QCD
SPEAKER: Dr. Michio Hashimoto  (The University of Western Ontario)
ABSTRACT: In the Ginzburg-Landau approach, we describe a new phase in neutral two-flavor quark matter in which gluonic degrees of freedom play a crucial role. We call it a gluonic phase. In this phase, gluonic dynamics cure a chromomagnetic instability in the 2SC solution and lead to spontaneous breakdown of the color gauge symmetry, the electromagnetic U(1), and the rotational SO(3). In addition, we describe the dynamics in the single plane wave Larkin--Ovchinnikov--Fulde--Ferrell (LOFF) state satisfying the color and electric neutrality conditions. We find that the neutral LOFF state itself suffers from a chromomagnetic instability in a certain region.
