Theory Seminar

DATE: 2005-12-09 11:00 -
PLACE: Hon-kan Rm. 220
TITLE: Interplay between weak and strong phases from Charmless B decays
SPEAKER: Dr. Yu-Feng Zhou  (KEK)
ABSTRACT: Hadronic charmless B decays B->pipi, piK and KK provide usĦĦimportant information on both weak and strong phases, and may shed light on possible new physics beyond the standard model (SM). These decay modes are related through approxiamte flavor SU(3) symmetry, which allowes model indepent determinations of weak phase gamma and hadronic amplitudes. The current data have exhibit some puzzling patterns. Our recent fits based on SU(3) symmetry implie possible enhancement in the electroweak penguin sector, large strong phase and large nonfactorizable contributions. The weak phase gamma is determinded in agreement with the SM and insensitive to SU(3) breaking scheme.
