Theory Seminar

DATE: 2007-01-23 11:00 - 12:00
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM 220
TITLE: Nature of QCD-Strings
CONTACT: tsuda
SPEAKER: Nayasinganahalli Desikachar Hari Das  (Hayama Center for Advanced Research)
ABSTRACT: High accuracy simulations of the static quark-anti quark potential in lattice QCD have revealed that not only the R^{-1} correction to the confining linear term is universal(the Luscher term), the R^{-3} term is universal too. Furthermore, these terms are the same as what one would one obtain from the spectrum of free bosonic string theories. But the latter are consistent only in 26 dimensions. This apparent puzzle is resolved through the Polchinski-Strominger effective string formalism whereby it is proven that to order R^{-3} the effective string theories give the same result for the spectrum as Nambu-Goto theory. Refs: N.D. Hari Dass and P. Majumdar, JHEP 0610:020,2006. N.D. Hari Dass and Peter Matlock: hep-th/0606265, hep-th/0611215, hep-th/0612291. J.M. Drummond: hep-th/0411017,hep-th/0608109v1.
