Theory Seminar

DATE: 2007-11-26 16:30 - 17:30
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan Rm.321
TITLE: Topological susceptibility at finite temperature in a random matrix model
CONTACT: tsuda
SPEAKER: Dr. Munehisa Ohtani  (University of Regensburg)
LANGUAGE: Japanese
ABSTRACT: The temperature and quark mass dependence of the topological susceptibility is analyzed in a random matrix model. A model combining random matrices and the lowest Matsubara frequency is known to describe the chiral phase transition of QCD, but at finite temperature it suppresses the topological susceptibility in the thermodynamic limit by the inverse of volume. We propose a modified random matrix model in which the topological susceptibility at finite temperature behaves reasonably. The modified model reproduces the chiral condensate and the zero-temperature result for the topological susceptibility of the conventional model, and it leads to a topological susceptibility at finite temperature comparable with lattice QCD results.
