Theory Seminar

DATE: 2008-02-27 14:00 - 15:00
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM 220
TITLE: String Theories on Mirrorfolds
CONTACT: tsuda
SPEAKER: Prof. Yuji Sugawara  (Univ. of Tokyo)
ABSTRACT: We study a class of non-geometric string vacua realized as completely soluble superconformal field theory (SCFT). These models are defined as `interpolating orbifolds' of $K3 \times S^1$ by the mirror transformation acting on the $K3$ fiber combined with the half-shift on the $S^1$-base.They are variants of the T-folds, the interpolating orbifolds by T-duality transformations, and thus may be called `mirrorfolds'.ŽÊ Starting with arbitrary (compact or non-compact) Gepner models forŽÊ the $K3$ fiber, we construct modular invariant partition functions of general mirrorfold models. In the case of compact $K3$ fiber the mirrorfolds only yield non-supersymmetric string vacua. They exhibit IR instability due to winding tachyon condensation which is similar to the Scherk-Schwarz type circle compactification. When the fiber SCFT is non-compact (say, the ALE space in the simplest case), on the other hand, both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric vacua can be constructed. The non-compact non-supersymmetric mirrorfolds can get stabilised at the level of string perturbation theory. We also find that in the non-compact supersymmeric mirrorfolds D-branes are {\em always} non-BPS.These D-branes can get stabilized against both open- and closed-string marginal deformations. Reference: arXiv:0711.1045
