Theory Seminar

DATE: 2008-09-17 12:15 - 13:15
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM 220
TITLE: Superparticle Mass Window from Thermal Leptogenesis and Decaying Gravitino Dark Matter
CONTACT: tsuda
SPEAKER: Dr. Tetsuo Shindou  (DESY, Germany)
ABSTRACT: The thermal leptogenesis is explored in gravitino dark matter scenarios. High reheating temperature is achieved by introducing R-parity violations. Low-energy observables put an upper limit on the reheating temperature. Assuming the universal gaugino mass at the grand-unified scale, we found that the reheating temperature can reach $O(10^9)$GeV for a gravitino mass of $O(100)$GeV. We also showed that superparticles of the standard model are expected to be detected in the Large Hadron Collider.
