Theory Seminar

DATE: 2009-05-19 11:00 -
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM 220
TITLE: The strongly coupled fourth family and a first-order electroweak phase transition
CONTACT: SAKURAI, Kazuki/sakurai AT
SPEAKER: Dr. Masaya Kohda  (Saitama University)
ABSTRACT: We discuss a finite-temperature electroweak phase transition in models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking due to strongly coupled fourth-family fermions from the point of view of the electroweak baryogenesis. Based on the low-energy renormalizable effective theory, which consists of the fourth-family quarks and two SU(2)-doublet composite Higgs fields, we examine a possibility that the electroweak phase transition is strongly first order. Through the analysis of the finite-temperature effective potential at one loop with ring improvement, we found that the strongly first-order phase transition is possible even if the mass of the neutral scalar Higgs is larger than 114 GeV. It is also found that the requirements of the strongly first-order phase transition as well as the renormalizability lead to the fourth-family quark masses being smaller than about 300 GeV. Referenceˇ§ arXiv:0901.1962 [hep-ph]
