Theory Seminar

DATE: 2009-06-09 13:00 - 14:00
PLACE: 4 Go-Kan Rm. 244
TITLE: On gravity duals for NRCFTs
CONTACT: Goro Ishiki, ishiki AT
SPEAKER: Prof. Kentaro Yoshida  (Kyoto University)
ABSTRACT: Recently, motivated by condensed matter physics, gravity duals for non-relativistic (NR) CFTs are extensively studied . We discuss how to construct gravity solutions with coset construction based on NR conformal algebra. This method is a natural generalziation of the Nappi-Witten's work and it reveals its mathematical structure. We also discuss a supersymmetric embedding of the solutions into type IIB supergravity and a new approach to AdS/NRCFT based on NR ABJM theory.
