Theory Seminar

DATE: 2009-06-09 11:00 - 12:00
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM 244
TITLE: Aspects of Horava-Lifshitz cosmology
CONTACT: ISHIBASHI, Akihiro / isibasi AT
SPEAKER: Prof. S. Mukohyama   (IPMU)
ABSTRACT: In the first half of this talk I will review the basic idea of the power-counting renormalizable theory of gravitation recently proposed by Horava. In the second half I will talk about some cosmological implications of the theory. In particular, I will show that the anisotropic scaling with a dynamical critical exponent z=3 leads to scale-invariant cosmological perturbations in non-inflationary epoch and that the absence of local Hamiltonian constraint leads to a component similar to cold dark matter as integration "constant".
