Theory Seminar

DATE: 2009-07-21 11:00 -
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 2F RM 220
TITLE: Hilltop Inflation and Supersymmetry
CONTACT: SAKURAI, Kazuki / sakurai AT
SPEAKER: Dr. Chia-Min Lin  (National Tsing Hua U)
ABSTRACT: The scenario of inflation solves many problems of the conventional hot big bang. The simplest way to construct an inflation model is to consider an scalar field (called inflaton) which slowly rolls down its flat potential. I will shown that the latest WMAP5 result suggests a hilltop form of the inflaton scalar potential for small field inflation model which was named hilltop inflation. This includes a wide range of inflation models. I will also present the realization of hilltop inflation models in the framework of supersymmetry.
