Theory Seminar

DATE: 2010-07-16 11:00 - 12:00
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 1F Meeting Room 1
TITLE: Probing the Majorana nature of TeV-scale radiative seesaw models at collider experiments
CONTACT: KIYO Yuichiro, ykiyo AT
SPEAKER: Dr. Mayumi Aoki  (Kanazawa University)
ABSTRACT: A general feature of TeV-scale radiative seesaw models, in which tiny neutrino masses are generated via loop corrections, is an extended scalar sector. Another feature is the Majorana nature; e.g., introducing right-handed neutrinos with TeV-scale Majorana masses under the discrete symmetry, or otherwise introducing some lepton number violating interactions in the scalar sector. In this talk, I will first introduce the three-loop radiative seesaw model, in which neutrino oscillation, origin of dark matter, and baryon asymmetry would be simultaneously explained. I will then discuss phenomenological aspects of some radiative seesaw models at collider experiments, in particular, a possibility of detecting the Majorana nature at the International Linear Collider.
