Theory Seminar

DATE: 2012-07-24 11:00 - 12:00
PLACE: Kenkyu Honkan 1F, Meeting Room 1
TITLE: RG improvements on the CEDM via CP violating four-Fermi operators
CONTACT: Keiko Nagao,
SPEAKER: Dr.Koji Tsumura   (Nagoya University)
ABSTRACT: The electric dipole moment (EDM) is known to be a good probe of CP violation. In this talk, we focus the CP violating four-Fermi operators, which can mix with the EDM and chromo-EDM (CEDM) operators at one loop level. We show the renormalization-group equations (RGEs) for the (flavor-conserving) CP-violating interaction are derived up to the dimension six. We apply them to the models with the neutral scalar boson or the color-octet scalar boson which have CP-violating Yukawa interactions with quarks. Using the RGEs, the evaluation of the Barr-Zee diagram and the dimension five Weinberg operator is improved.
