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last update: 09/10/06   
  Feature Story
Here are some quotes and impressions from students at the Camp:
"I could not have felt more satisfaction than I did after completing our poster and my joy knew no bounds when we won the Gold."
"My experience at ASC09 was very enriching. The entire week was full of interesting lectures, intelligent questions and highly interactive camp sessions, so though the schedule was intensive, I was thoroughly charged up and enthusiastic to learn and share."
"The camp really showed what a strong scientific tradition Asia is developing. Meeting students from all over Asia, discussing the progress of science and research in their countries, getting to know things about their culture and taking back home new friends were some things I have always wanted to do."
"I was sort of surprised to find that the Nobelists were so nice and friendly - smarter than most, but really just regular people."
"Being able to discuss my poster, one-on-one, with some of the top scientists in the world, was an unbelievably exciting experience. A highlight of my life."
"The people were what made the Camp special. The teamwork, the brainstorming of the posters, the discussions - these were all very exciting for me."
"To me, the Asian Science Camp 2009 was a precious opportunity to meet Nobel laureates and other eminent scientists, and their lectures gave me an easy understanding of contemporary physics and chemistry. I also enjoyed hearing the personal stories of these scientists, which were also invaluable as they revealed how they were able to contribute so much to the field of science in general."
"The chance to have discussions with talented science students from countries gave me new perspectives on science, and their interpretations of the lectures from the leaders presented me with new insights."
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