June 19
Long-baseline Neutrino Experiment, K2K, observed the first event at Super-Kamiokande site located 250 km from KEK. The group has been observing events in the Near-Detector located in KEK, but this observation assured that the neutrino beam from KEK is properly directed to the Far-detector in Kamioka as designed. Details are found in http://neutrino.kek.jp/

Fig.First Super-Kamiokande event as seen from a far away corner. Spot size corresponds to observed charge.
First Super-Kamiokande event as seen from a far away corner. Spot size corresponds to observed charge.

Picture on front cover
Drill bits are quite beautiful to look at. They show another asymmetry in universe.

Pictures on back cover
Thomas Edison used bamboo filament from Kyoto, Japan (lower picture) for his first mass-produced light bulbs (1880 - 1893). The lamp here is a real one of around1880. (Courtesy of Mr. Saburo Tatemoto)

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