September 15
Despite of rainy weather, over 2000 visitors came for the annual KEK Open House. They visited KEK facilities, listened to lectures and participated scientific programs.
September 23
4th KEK TRIATHLON competition was held in KEK site. It combined 1km of swimming, 26.4km of bicycling and 6.6km of running. All 39 participants survived the athletic torture.
Send in your KEK LOGO design
KEK is planning to renew its LOGO and inviting general public to participate in the design contest of the logo. Send your design before November 15, 2000. For detail, check our home page at;
For any questions, call +81-298-64-5114 or e-mail to
Japanese Language teacher, Mrs. Maruyama, passed away
The teacher for the KEK Japanese Language Class, Mrs. Setsuko MARUYAMA, passed away on September 14th before starting next semester. She was loved and appreciated by many KEK visitors.
She will be remembered.
Picture on front cover
It did not take long to get so many passports in front of me after I asked for it in KEK. This clearly shows that high energy physics is a world collaboration. Words representing "elementary particle", "accelerator", etc. were written by their own languages when they came in with their passports. (back cover)
Picture on back cover
Many red strings on the globe represent collaborations of some kind between KEK and other laboratories of the world. In Japanese folk tale, a couple who eventually get married were tied together by a red string of fate in their previous life. Someday, the world would be covered with such strings connecting everyone to everyone and the world would become one big family.