January 4, 2001
KEK Director General, Hirotaka SUGAWARA gave a speech on new years resolution all in English, showing his strong intention to make KEK more user-friendly to international community. His strong will to promote liner collider project was the main theme. (Visit KEK web site for the full text of his speech)
January 6, 2001
As a part of Japanese government reorganization, former Ministry of Education (Monbusho) and former Science and Technology Agency were merged into one government organization, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
February 4, 2001
Mr. Katsuhiro MIMORI of KEK was the third in Masters Marathon Championship (age 60-64 class) held in Saitama pref. He also was the 7th to reach the goal in Boston Marathon (Senior Division) held on April 17th, 2000.
February 9, 2001
KEK International Party 2001 was organized by non-Japanese physicists and their family members. 54 people from 12 countries (11 from Russia, 3 from Sweden, 4 from USA, 4 from Bangladesh, 4 from India, 2 from China, 2 from Korea, 1 from Myanmar, 1 from Canada, 2 from France, 1 from UK, 1 from Vietnam, 1 from Australia, 18 from Japan) attended. The party was further enhanced by all sorts of dishes of their own countries prepared by the party attendants.
Picture on back cover
The building in Hiroshima was within 600m from the A-bomb explosion on August 6, 1945. It was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage. At the entrance to the 21st century, it stays as a reminder to physicists that physics can create something that may not be good for the creatures on the Earth. A museum is near by which tries to promote peace and to reduce hatred. We appreciate the museum very much for their help.
Readers comment
An ex-staff member of INS sent the editor a comment on Vol.3, No.2, saying that it should have been noted that the 350MeV electron storage ring of INS-ES was the first facility dedicated only for synchrotron light users.
Editor welcomes readers comments as it would make the publication better.