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 #1043   April 1, 2019.

    Japnese govt. chooese 'Reiwa' as new era name.

     Japanese traditional calendar uses the name of the emperor of the time, which is similar to "this is the 67th year of the reign
    of Queen Elizabeth II".
    In the same way, A.D. (Anno Domini) means Christian Era originally. Japan has been in the Heisei Era.
    The Heisei Emperor will abdicate the throne on the 30th of April and the new Emperor will be enthroned on the 1st of May 2019.
    In Japan, both Japanese calendar and A.D. has been used. The name of the new emperor was announced as "令和(rei-wa)" on
    the April. Hence May 1st, 2019 is the start of the first year of Reiwa Era.
    (Mr. Ohska wrote)
 updated: 2019-05-14