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  UO Bulletin Board 

 Back Number Y2012-2014  Y2015  Y2016 Y2017 Y2018
 #1073   August 5, 2019.

    Schedule for KEK facilities during KEK Summer Holiday.

      Tsukuba Campus and Tokai Campus will be closed for KEK summer holiday from August 10 (Sat) to August 15. (Thu).
    KEK facilities will be closed or changing their opening hours during the period.

     Tsukuba Campus
        ・A schedule for Tsukuba Campus facilities. (PDF)

     Tokai Campus     
       ・Users Office, J-PARC and JAEA on-site facilities will be closed
       ・KEK shuttle bus (between J-PARC and KEK Tsukuba) does not run.

 updated: 2019-08-05