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  UO Bulletin Board 

 Back Number Y2012-2014  Y2015  Y2016 Y2017 Y2018
 #1091   January 7, 2020.

    Regarding an air conditioner overhaul work.

    We will start the air conditioner overhaul work at dormitory Bldg. #4 on the date below.
   We are sorry for the inconvenience but we appreciate your cooperation.
   Date: 1. Bldg.#4, Floor 3. : On January 10 (Fri). 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.(JST)
          ※ Room 111 : On January 14 (Tue). 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.(JST)
      2. Bldg.#4, Floor 2. : On January 14 (Tue). 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.(JST)
      3. Bldg.#4, Floor 1. : On January 15 (Wed). 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.(JST)

 updated: 2020-01-08