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  UO Bulletin Board 

 Back Number Y2012-2014  Y2015  Y2016 Y2017 Y2018
 #1100   January 28, 2020.

    Regarding the new coronavirus.

    Japan's government has added pneumonia caused by a new strain of coronavirus to its list of designated infectious diseases.
   The Cabinet approved an ordinance on Tuesday giving the illness the designation under the country's infectious disease
   and quarantine laws. The designation will allow the compulsory hospitalization of people who are infected with the virus.

   Prefectural governors will be authorized to advise such people to be admitted to specified medical institutions which are
   equipped to handle infections. Those who don't follow the advice will be forcibly hospitalized.

   Authorities will also be able to instruct patients to take a leave of absence from work for a certain period. All medical costs
   will be covered by public funds.
   Under the quarantine law, officials at airports and seaports will become able to instruct those suspected of infection to undergo
   tests and medical examinations.
   Anyone who refuses can be penalized.

   The ordinance is expected to go into effect on February 7, but officials say the government will cover hospitalization costs
   before that.

   The new strain of coronavirus has been confirmed in 65 people in 17 countries and territories outside mainland China.
   There were eight confirmed patients in both Thailand and Hong Kong plus seven in Macao by Tuesday morning, Japan time.
   The United States, Taiwan, Australia and Singapore each reported five patients. Japan, Malaysia and South Korea also confirmed
   four cases each.
   France has three cases and Vietnam two, while Nepal, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Canada and Germany reported one patient each.

 updated: 2020-01-29