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 #1101   January 28, 2020.

    New Year's Address from Director General.

    I do hope the year 2020 will be a happy and fruitful year for you, your family, and KEK. For the past several years, I have
   mentioned in my annual greeting that KEK has been undergoing great changes. These ongoing changes will gradually take
   shape beginning this year. I am firmly convinced that it is my most important mission to take advantage of these changes
   to further advance KEK as a cutting-edge research institution that consistently produces excellent results and contributes
   to society for many years to come.

   One of the reasons that KEK and other inter-university research institute corporations are experiencing significant changes
   is because the national university administration is under major review. Another reason is a fundamental change in how society
   views basic sciences. Today, I would like to discuss these two points.

   KEK was founded about 50 years ago as the first inter-university research institution. Since then KEK has contributed to the
   development of accelerator physics in tandem with university researchers. KEK experienced a major change when it was
   incorporated in 2014. Even with this change, our policy for “inter-university research” remained at the core of our raison
   d’etre. We are very proud that we have led academic studies in various fields in collaboration with universities and have
   contributed to enhancing research quality of Japan. I cannot but admire the high principles and efforts of my learned
   predecessors who founded KEK with
   the ideal of creating an inter-university research institute. While this ideal has not lost its momentum, is this the ideal that
   KEK should be based on in the next half century? As the 50th year approaches, I feel that wisdom should surpass the assets
   inherited from our learned predecessors.

   While KEK was pondering this conundrum, a movement to review the whole picture of inter-university research institute
   corporations and research institutes that cover other areas of study began. One idea that received much attention was
   to bring together four inter-university research institute corporations and set up 17 research institutes in it.
   The purpose of the reorganization was to apply the recent corporate trend to take advantage of scale and avoid unnecessary
   competition by integrating multiple companies
   under a single holding company to the inter-university research institute corporation. For KEK, which hosts international projects
   as well as J-PARC and other joint projects run by multiple corporations, this plan was unacceptable. Then an alternative plan was
   proposed where four organizations and Sokendai would create a new organizations “Rengotai.”
   Some news coverage inaccurately reported that the four organizations and Sokendai would be integrated into a “Rengotai.”
   The actual idea is to bring together the functions that the four organizations and Sokendai have in common to take
   advantage of economies of scale while avoiding the negative effects of a confederation. To materialize this plan, the four
   organizations and Sokendai set up the “Rengotai” preparation committee last year, and have since been working on the system
   design in cooperation with the working
   group set up within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We would like to use this opportunity to
   create a mechanism where inter-university research institute corporations can fulfill their functions even more effectively.

   Another problem, which is considered more essential, is that the way that society looks at basic sciences is changing. Scientific
   research can directly lead to technological development, which can not only produce economic effects but also directly benefit
   our lives. One example is lithium-ion batteries. Dr. Akira Yoshino was a 2019 Nobel laureate for his contributions to their
   development. Although his initial motivation to conduct his research may have been scientific interest, the result is that
   lithium-ion batteries are ubiquitous in daily life and are found in diverse applications from smartphones to automobiles.
   Moreover, lithium-ion batteries are expected to play a pivotal role in the effective use of sustainable energy. This type of
   research is called Pasteur-type or Edison-type, of which value is easily recognizable. Thus, this sort of research tends to
   attract growing attention worldwide, as it is highly possible that enterprises will realize a return on investment. I do not
   mean to raise an objection to this trend. However, I have to firmly speak against the tendency to underestimate the value of
   fundamental research, which constitutes a large part of research conducted at KEK. That is, KEK conducts academic research to
   pursue truths based on intellectual curiosity, which is called Bohr-type.

   Niels Bohr is a Danish physicist in the early 20th century who contributed greatly to the establishment of the basic physics
   called quantum mechanics.
   His research was motivated by philosophical questions. How can we understand what cannot be fully explained by the physics of
   Newton or Maxwell? How can we understand seemingly contradictory phenomena such as the particle and wave nature of light?
   It deserves special mention that the technological achievements attained in the subsequent 100 years were largely dependent
   on quantum mechanics. In other words, repeated devices and contrivances based on the truths elucidated by the predecessors in
   Bohr’s days resulted in the technological civilization we now enjoy. It is a shallow perspective to think that only these
   various devices and contrivances have resulted in the current technological civilization.

   I think we should duly acknowledge that deep understanding of truths in the natural world worked behind the scenes to promote
   these devices and contrivances. As we cannot tell what sorts of developments will arise in the next 100 years, it is generally
   difficult for society to comprehend the importance of understanding such truths. However, people in different positions have
   begun promoting the importance of basic research, and their voices seem to be gradually permeating into society. There also
   seems to be an increasing number of government officials who are grasping the contribution of basic sciences. We naturally
   welcome this tendency because we feel that basic research, which is central to KEK, has yet to be fully understood.
   Thus, we think that we should continue to convey our explanations.

   These days we hear the word AI everywhere. The movement to introduce AI into various things to produce new industries and
   dramatically change the way we live and society as a whole is progressing at an astounding speed. The technology of autonomous
   automobile driving is the most conspicuous example.
   In March of this year, a new mobile device with 5G will start operation in Japan, which is expected to change society completely.
   In an era where these new technologies are forming the core, how can we convey the significance of basic research conducted
   at KEK? How does our research need to change? I think we are currently confronting very difficult questions.

   The road in front of us is neither flat nor a straight line. However, I truly believe that basic scientific research to elucidate
   the reality of nature and materials at the most fundamental part is the loftiest work of human beings. All KEK staff members
   play roles in advancing or directly supporting this noble mission. I hope that you feel proud of KEK and keep working with us to
   make 2020 a fruitful year. I promise to make the utmost effort together with the directors to support your endeavors.

   January 6, 2020
   Director General of KEK

 updated: 2020-01-29