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  UO Bulletin Board 

 Back Number Y2012-2014  Y2015  Y2016 Y2017 Y2018
 #1103   January 30, 2020.

    Narita Airport Notifications- Coronavirus Pandemic Alert.

    Please let people arriving at Narita Airport know the following:

   < Narita Airport Notifications- Coronavirus Pandemic Alert>
   On January 14, a Health Department received a report from a medical facility in Kanagawa Prefecture of coronavirus symptoms
   in a Chinese patient who had been in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
   The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and other government agencies are working in conjunction with airport companies
   to detect and stop the spread of the virus at Narita Airport. When coming to the airport, please observe and cooperate with the

   【Travelers from Wuhan City and Other Parts of China (Including Hong Kong and Macau) Entering Japan】
   Report to Quarantine officers when entering the country if you have a cough, fever or other symptoms, or if you are taking
   cough medicine or an antipyretic (fever reducing medicine).
   If you develop the above symptoms after you have entered the country and you have traveled through or stayed in Wuhan City,
   notify your nearest medical facility immediately before attending, and follow their instructions. When going to a medical
   facility, wear a face mask and refrain from using public transport.

   【Preventing the Spread of Infection in the Airport】
   Airport staff are being encouraged to wear face masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
   The disinfection and cleaning of doorknobs and handrails in the passenger terminals (including on moving walkways and escalators)
   has been stepped up.

   In order to prevent a pandemic, it is important in the cold and flu season to take standard precautions such as covering your
   nose and mouth when you cough and washing your hands.

 updated: 2020-01-30