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  UO Bulletin Board 

 Back Number Y2012-2014  Y2015  Y2016 Y2017 Y2018
 #1105   February 13, 2020.

    Dormitory and Apartment charge will be repriced.

     KEK dormitory charge and apartment charge will be increased from April 1st, 2020. (All charges included tax)
        ・Building No. 1, 2 Single room (no bath/ toilet)   : 1,500 yen → 1,700 yen
        ・Building No. 3, 4 Single room (with bath and toilet): 2,000 yen → 2,200 yen

        ・Monthly Charge (Not included utility cost).
          Apartment A: 62,000 yen → 68,300 yen
          Apartment B: 47,400 yen → 51,600 yen
          Apartment C: 47,400 yen → 51,600 yen

        ・Charge per day: 11 nights or over (Not included utility cost)
          Apartment A 2,200 yen → 2,400 yen
          Apartment B 1,700 yen → 1,900 yen
          Apartment C 1,700 yen → 1,900 yen

        ・Charge per day: Less than 11 nights (Utility cost included)
          Apartment A 2,700 yen → 2,900 yen
          Apartment B 2,000 yen → 2,200 yen
          Apartment C 2,000 yen → 2,200 yen

        ・Exchange cost for sheet, etc. (Monthly Charge):270 yen/one sheet → 270 yen/one sheet

       Parking Lot:
       Parking Lot Charge (Monthly Charge): 4,200 yen → 5,000 yen

 updated: 2020-02-13