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  UO Bulletin Board 

 Back Number Y2012-2014  Y2015  Y2016 Y2017 Y2018
 #1109   February 19, 2020.

    Updating KEK Radiation Worker Registration for Visitors.

     Please make sure that you have updated the registration as visiting radiation workers in KEK.
    (Expiration date of registration for 2019 FY: 0:00 April 1. 2020) Relevant law requires that
     you should renew your registration as radiation worker once a year.

    This involves your bringing in your application form and receiving a radiation safety refresher course on video.
    Form 10 for radiation workers registration should be created from the following user portal.

    Failing to update the status will disable you to enter any radiation control area where ID card is required.
    You are required to watch the video program for the safety training to go inside the radiation controlled area as well.

    You can get these video programs from,
        Photon Factory: the front desks at the Photon Factory(5778)
        Others: The Radiation Control Main Office (telephone 3500)

     Users can check Monitoring Record at KEK Tsukuba.

    How to check;
    Log in to the User Portal ⇒【Administrative Procedures for Visiting KEK/J-PARC】
                 ⇒【1.Adoministration relating to your visit】
                 ⇒【View of dose results at KEK Tsukuba】
                 ⇒【Monitoring Record is displayed】

   For details, please contact Radiation Science Center Office at Tsukuba Campus;
    (e-mail:Rad-Office[at-mark] / telephone:5495).

 updated: 2020-02-18