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 The year: 2013

   #088. KEK Summer Holiday schedule (2013.07.25)

  Tsukuba Campus will be closed for KEK summer holiday from Aug. 5(Mon)to 7(Wed).
  Tokai Campus will be closed from Augu. 14(Wed)to 16(Fri).

  ------------------------Tsukuba Campus ---------------------------------
 (1) Mail Service
 ■Internal mail delivery will be end on Aug. 2, restart on Aug. 8.
 ■Between Tsukuba Campus and Tokai Campus :
 Internal mail delivery will be stop from August 5 to Aug. 7 and from Aug. 14 to Aug. 16.

 (2) Restaurants, shops etc.
 ■Cafeteria, Restaurant, Café (Puraimu), Grocery Store, Barber shop
 Please see. URL: http://www-local.kek.jp/jinji/kyosai/hukuri/pdf/kakikyuka_kyugyouH25.pdfya
 ■ATM : Service ends at 17:00 on Aug. 3, Resumes on Aug.t 8.

 (3) Tokai campus-Tsukuba campus bus service : No service

 (4) Library
 Library will be closed. Service ends at 17:00 on August 2, resumes at 9:00 on August 8.
 Library's web page will not be available. Service ends at 14:00 on Aug.5,resumes at 13:00 on Aug. 8.

 (5) Users Office Tsukuba: Closed from August 5(Mon)to 7(Wed).

 (6) Others
 Please be aware of all sorts of things as there will not be many people on site during the
 holidays. Make sure to turn off electric power/gas etc. and make sure doors are locked.

 During KEK Summer Holiday, annual electric line maintenance takes place.
 I advise you that you should turn off power of your computer before you leave your room.

 Please see more information about annual electric power line maintenance work.
   http://usersoffice.kek.jp/eng/announce/81.html ya

  ------------------------- Tokai Campus ------------------------------------
 (1) Mail Service
  Internal mail delivery will be end on August 13, restart on August 19.
  Between Tsukuba Campus and Tokai Campus :
  Internal mail delivery will be stop from Aug. 5 to Aug. 7 and from Aug. 14 to Aug.16.

 (2) Restaurants, shops etc.
  Please see the pdf: http://www-local.kek.jp/toukai/isseikakitaiou2013.pdfya

 (3) Tokai campus-Tsukuba campus bus service : No service

 (4) Library
   JAEA Library will be closed for large-scale repair work. Service ends on July 29. Service resumes on   about May, 2014. Library's web page will be available.


 updated: 2013, July 26.

                                 1-1Oho Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan. e-mail: visitorssupport@kek.jp
                                 HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK Users Office