What's New !!
- New robot is working.
- The 1st data collection experiment of the beamline AR-NE3A was carried out using the new robot on February 19th, 2009.

- Changes of our beamlines
- Interlock system is installed so that the robot should not work when the hutch door is open.
The robot stops when the door is opened while the robot is working.
- The robot-TAB of UGUI is always displayed. Please open CSV file when the users want to use the robot.
- Please contact us for the details of change.
- Double tongs system "Gemini" are available at the BL-5A, BL-17A and AR-NW12A.
- Sample exchange robots have been installed at the BL-5A, BL-17A and AR-NW12A.
- If you are interested in our sample exchange robots, please contact us.
- Sample loading kits
- We have several sample loading kits for rent.