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  UO Bulletin Board 

 Back Number Y2012-2014  Y2015  Y2016 Y2017 Y2018
 #1065   July 1, 2019.

    KEK summer party (Shokibarai 2019)

      KEK summer party will be held on Monday July 15th ( Marine Day, Japanese National Holiday).
     Please enjoy eating, drinking and having a good time with your families and friends.

     Time : 15:00 - 18:00(Tentative)
     Place : open space in front of Cafeteria

    We sell the advance tickets from July 1 to July 5, 2019.
    The advance tickets are cheaper as below:
     Discount price:
        Drinking person: 2,000 yen (normal price 3,000 yen )
        Non-drinking person: 1,500 yen (normal price 2,500 yen)
         Child (elementary school and younger): free of charge

     Advance ticket sales location:
       Tsukuba Campus: office at each lab, barber-shop, grocery store, administrative office
       Tokai Campus: J-PARC Research bldg. (4th floor), CCR, Tokai bldg.#1

    Please check Shokibarai2019 webpage for more details.

    If you have any request or need further information, please contact:
    (If you would like to open a store, please contact us by July 4th.)

 updated: 2019-07-01