KEK Users Office is the central contact point for all national and international users and
   collaborators. Our aim is to assist the lives of our users and collaborators and their families
   and to enable them to take the first step in Japan.
 Emergency Procedures
Inside of KEK Outside of KEK
Traffic Regulation in the KEK
 Tsukuba Campus.

KEK Top UO Top User Information Life Guide KEK Yelllow Page Campus Map J-PARC UO Site map Japanese
   Living support desk
 Please read before using the service
 A staff of JISTEC is at the Users
 Every Tuesday, 9:00-17:00.
 Other days of the week:
 upon request
 ・Accompanying a user to a
  City Hall, Bank, Post Office,
 ・Accompanying a user to a
  Medical Institution to see a
 ・Support for finding a rental
 ・Support for entering a
  (regarding living support). 
 Business Hours
 Monday - Friday
 (Except National Holidays and
  KEK set holidays)
 ・9:00 - 17:00
 (Reception works are open
  at lunch time)

  For further information
  for application of joint
  Tel: 029-864-5126

  For further information ;  
  Tel: 029-879-6135,
         6136, 6197

 User Registration

 User Support System is for those coming to KEK for
 researches, conferences and meetings.

 You are generally required to complete User Registration to
 do anything.
 We will send you your user ID after the User Registration is
 By then, a temporary password will be provided for you.

  Login page:

  Add projects:
 If you work on several projects, you must do separate User
 Registration per each project. 
  step1. Please enter from your User Portal
  step2. Administrative Procedures for Visiting KEK/JPARC 
  step3. 2. Identify the purpose of your visit to KEK/J-PARC
 Operation Manual for User Registration

 User support system operation manual.

 You are generally required to complete User Registration to
 do anything.
 We will send you your user ID after the User Registration is
 By then, a temporary password will be provided for you.
 The password is effective only for 48 hours.

 You must log in as soon as possible and change it to a
 password of your choice. After that, you may make a
 reservation for the dormitory and request for travel
 expenses from KEK through your portal site.

 ・How to submit the form 10, Statement of Acceptance
  (Radiation workers)

 Visiting Procedures

 The system can accept the reservation within 45 days.
 You can make a reservation up to 31 nights. If you would
 like to make a reservation over 31 nights, please make
 another reservation every 31 nitghts. 
 See the web site:
  Regarding making a payment during weekends and
  holidays at the dormitory office

 All those Users who check out during weekends and
 holidays, who are not able to make a room payment at the
 Users Office, will be allowed to make a payment to a
 superintendent. Cash or Credit cards can be accepted. 
 The Superintendent gives you an official receipt.
 (Paying to a superinten-dent is for a special case when it is
 difficult to pay at the Users Office, we would like to ask you
 to pay at the Users Office when you start staying during
 weekdays) .
 @Who qualifies: Users check out on weekends or holidays.
 @Service hours: 8:30 - 22:00 (Sat. Sun. and Holiday).

 Procedures for Visitors

 KEK accepts research proposals listed.

 See the homepage:
 Get together & Research facility tour

 The users office have the exchange meeting (Get together)
 and tour of the KEK research facility for foreign researcher
 several times in a year.
 <Get together & Research facility tour Top page >

 <Exchange meeting "shodo"> <J-PARC Tour 2016>

  Registration regarding
   non-japanese mailing list
   for UO Bulletin Board


 #268 (2021. 5.28)
 Notice of construction work for
 Dormitory Building No. 5 Tsukuba
 Campus (May 31, 2021 - March
 31, 2022).

 #267 (2021. 5.17)
 Electric Power and Water Supply
 Cut Off(July. 30 - Aug. 1).

 #266 (2020. 7. 2)
 Electric Power and Water Supply
 Cut Off(July. 31 - Aug. 2).

 #264 (2020. 2.19)
 Updating KEK Radiation Worker
 Registration for Visitors.

 #263 (2020. 2.19)
 Annual Renewals of registration.
 for fiscal 2020

 #262 (2020. 2.13)
 Dormitory and Apartment
 charge will be repriced

 #258 (2020. 1. 7)
 Regarding an air conditioner
 overhaul work at dourmitory.

 #257 (2019.12.25)
 Inspection of disaster prevention

 #252 (2019.11.27)
 Regarding deletion of Wireless
 LAN registered in 2018.

 #251 (2019.11.19)
 Joyo Bank ATM service

 #244 (2019. 7. 5)
 The specific end of support day
 for Windows 7 and Windows
 Server 2008/2008 R2

 #235 (2019. 5.07)
 Changing the classification of
 wireless LAN application.

 #189 (2017. 7.26)
 Security of wireless LAN

 #187 (2017. 6.28)
 Regarding travel expenses


2017 The result of         Questionnaire for KEK Tsukuba  dormitory improvement projet.

2015 Users Office
  Questionnaire Result.

 updated: 2023-12-14

                             1-1 Oho Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan. email:
                             HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK Users Office