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China, Japan, and Korea issued a joint statement on science and technology cooperation

The second Japan-China-Korea Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation was held on Sunday, 24 May in Tokyo. Ryu Shionoya, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for Japan, Byong Man Ahn, Minister of Education, Science and Technology for Korea, and Wan Gang, chief of Ministry of Science and Technology, attended the meeting and discussed the collaborations in the field of science and technology among China, Japan and Korea to deal with major global and Asian-regional issues such as the measures to protect people in the event of a natural disaster, to mitigate climate change, and to pave ways for energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction.

Three Ministers signed the joint statement, which agrees to establish the JRCP, a collaborative research program among three countries on the basis of an equal partnership, and to host a workshop in each country for young researchers, recognizing the importance of an exchange program for the future of science and technology. Ministers also agreed to strengthen cooperation between universities, research institutes, and funding agencies to promote active information exchange. Recognizing the importance of science communication, the Japan Science and Technology Agency, the Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology and the Department of International Cooperation of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology signed a MOU. They also noticed the importance of collaborations and exchange of researchers in such a substantial science field as high energy physics.

The first Japan-China-Korea Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation was held in Seoul, Korea in 2007 as the result of the 2003 Japan-China-Korea summit meeting. Next meeting will be held in China in 2011.