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Japan becomes observer of SESAME

Japan has become eleventh observer country for the SESAME (International Centre for Synchrotron -Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) located in Jordan. Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affair reported on June 8.

The SESAME is the first international research organization in Middle East region which is developed under the umbrella of UNESCO. With operating photon synchrotron facility, SESAME will provide essential infrastructure for the scientific and technological development of the Middle East, and will contribute to strengthen the collaboration in the region. SESAME is also expected to attract experienced scientists ‘back home’ who are now pursuing his or her research abroad.

With their experiences and expertise, Japanese institutes such as Spring-8 and KEK have been contributing in designing, constructing and utilizing SESAME, as well as providing opportunities for Middle Eastern scientists to gain experiences working at their facilities or hosting a series of seminars.

The current Members of SESAME Council are; Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. The Observers are Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Portugal, Russian Federation, Sweden, U.K. and USA, as of June 8, 2009.