High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

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September 1, 2002    9:00〜16:30

Special events
◆ Lectures
   ○ Neutrinos in the universe
        Masayuki Nakahata
            Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo
○ Particle accelerators : ever-ongoing challenge to higher energies
        Koji Takata
            Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
○ Protein structures elucidated by synchrotron radiation and their functions
        Tomitake Tsukihara
            Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University,
◆ Have fun with Physics
   ○ Let's try to make a detector and catch a cosmic ray
◆ Make a radio by yourself
◆ Scientific Toys
◆ Guinness Book Challenge
   ○ How far can your voice reach?
◆ Physics can be fun
   ○ Let's make a paper airplane

How to reach us  for more infomation (Japanese only)
We provide free bus ride between Tsukuba Center Bus Terminal and KEK
between 8:40-14:30 (Return bus between 11:00-17:00).

How to reach Tsukuba Center Bus Terminal  for more infomation
(1)From Tokyo : Take Highway Bus for Tsukuba Center that leaves
JR Tokyo Station(Yaesu South Exit).
(2) From JR Tsuchiura Station : Take bus number 18 or 11A.

For more infomation:

High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
General Affairs Division
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan
Tel : 029-864-5115
Fax : 029-864-5560
E-mail : kikakuchosa@mail.kek.jp
URL : http://www.kek.jp/openhouse/index.html
