November 6-10
KEK Art Festival week was lively with many exhibitions of arts and crafts as well as a concert participated by a professional pianist Mr. Takashi Fujii from Germany.
November 6-15
The 15th International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources was held at Tsukuba International Congress Center. 262 participants actively discussed about the future plan for safe, high intensity neutron source facility.
November 11 and 18
Public lecture "Where is the anti-matter - Broken symmetry" in Tsukuba.
November 14 through 17
The 6th KEK-SLAC ISG Meeting on linear colliders was held in KEK. Participants from USA(SLAC, LBNL, LLNL), Russia and Japan exchanged ideas actively.
December 6
Prof. Akira YAMAMOTO of KEK Cryogenic Center received Nishina Memorial Prize for his work on observation on anti-protons with a superconducting magnet.
December 21 and 22
The 5th IHEP/KEK Collaboration Meeting was held in IHEP, Beijing, China.
December 26
ATLAS Central Solenoid (superconducting) was tested and successfully worked under 8400A which is the highest required current for the solenoid.