Message from the Director General

Last year, we started a new organization aiming for the research activities in the 21st century with a big hope in our mind. In high energy physics field, facilities for our B-Factory and the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiments will be ready this year, which should be part of the frontiers of physics in the 21st century that we can be proud of.
In the mean time, we have some problems unsolved during the last year. We tried hard to get the large hadron project (JHF) approved for materials structure science field and for nuclear physics field but was not officially approved last year because the Government started the reform of the Japanese financial systems. We are eager to get the JHF project going and the JHF is one of the reasons we did the reorganization for so that we have to try hard for it.
Under any circumstances, modifying the project or giving up the project is not an acceptable answer. We should present our belief as scientists to the Japanese citizen what should be done to get the science of the 21st century going. Budget matter is government
Hope this year will be a good one for all of us.